


Lochiel's private driving range and dedicated short game practice area are perfect facilities for coaching in relaxed surroundings.

Whatever your age or ability, Craig is ready and willing to attempt straightening out those crooked shots and enjoys the challenge of improving your golf swing (We offer video analysis to help identify and rectify those swing technique problems). So whether it is a swing rebuild, a small tweak before you go out, or a clinic, please call him. He will be delighted to help. Junior and ladies are especially welcome for coaching.
Lesson Prices (30mins)

Visitor $35.00

Member $30.00

Junior (u23) $25.00

Junior Golf
Teenagers play golf for many different reasons. It is like any other sport, something has sparked their imagination and interest in the sport. Some wish to be competitive and some only to play recreationally with their friends. Our Junior programme is structured to develop that interest and enhance their golfing ability to give them the best opportunity to succeed.

Most Sundays there is professional coaching available with our resident Professionals. The Club is fully supportive of the junior coaching programme and access to coaching is available to all junior members with the cost being covered by the Club. Coaching includes, short game, chipping, putting, long and short irons and is delivered in such a manner that juniors have fun at coaching.

Pee Wee Golf
A category for players under the age of 10 years. Parental/guardian participation is mandatory at all times as safety is paramount for each child. This requirement is highlighted by the Professional coaching Team when joining the programme - "No Parent - No Play".

The programme consists of clinics (run by our professional). The clinics are held on a Thursday evening commencing at 4.00 pm and running until around 5.00 pm.

Junior Tournaments are held in each of the four school terms and are available to all junior members in the area with a modest entry fee charged.

Game Improvement Packages
To really enjoy your golf and to make the most of the time spent on course, regular lessons are a must. Our experienced teaching professionals are available to help you master the perfect swing, putt like a pro and knock a few strokes off your handicap. Lessons can be booked individually or you may purchase multiple lessons and save.

Game Improvement Package #1
•1 Computer analysis lesson
•2 Standard 30 minute lessons
•Lochiel Member $90
•Visitor $105
•Junior $75  
Game Improvement Package #2

•1 Computer analysis lesson
•1 Standard 30 minute lessons
•1 On course 1 hour lesson

 •Lochiel Member $120
•Visitor $135
•Junior $105
Game Improvement Package #3
•5 Standard 30 minute lessons
•Free upgrade for 1 lesson to computer swing analysis lesson
•Lochiel Member $140
•Visitor $165
•Junior $115