Membership Application

Please tell us about yourself

Surname First Name(s)
Title Date Of Birth*
Membership Type
For additional information Click here. For fees Click here
Home Address
Business Address
Please send all communications to my:
Business address Home Address
Phone (Hm) Phone (Wk)
Phone (Mb) Fax
NZ Citizen Yes

How were you introduced to the club?

Please indicate the three major reasons why you concidered joining the club?

Course facilities Reputation of club
Proximity to home Coaches and Proshop
Clubhouse/social facilities Friends/family were members

I certify that the above information is true and correct. I hereby apply to be elected a member of Lochiel Golf Club Limited and request, if elected, that my name be entered in the Register of Members. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions laid down in the Constitution of the Club and in the policies and rules of the Club as determined and modified by the Board of Management from time to time.


All information I give to the Lochiel Golf Club will be held with them, but I can access and correct these details at any time under the Privacy Act 1993. You may provide me with advice and information concerning products and services that the club believes may be of interest to me. I will advise the club in writing if I do not wish this to happen.

* Proof of age required if under 18 (copy of Birth Certificate).
